YOGA GROOVES: Where the mind and body meet.

Experience the benefits to your health and life with yoga and acroyoga.

Yoga Grooves

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga classes are suitable for all levels, including beginners and people carrying injuries.  Restorative yoga combines therapeutic postures and movements that are soothing and supportive, offering the chance to be still and quiet, leaving us rested, nourished, and nurtured. When we relax and practice coming back to our natural soft, light nasal breathing, we have the opportunity to move energy through the body without tension or strain. The immune and digestive systems improve, and the nervous system is calmed as we switch into the parasympathetic nervous system.  The body and energy channels can open up so that the whole body can receive more nourishment, full energy, and enhanced healing both physically and emotionally. Busy lives can become hectic, and we can find ourselves spending most of our time rushing and doing rather than stilling and resting. Movements and postures will be soft and gentle by nature. It can be challenging to have a quiet mind with a still body. With this practice, inner peace can take place.  Pregnant students are also welcome to join this class.

Restorative Chair Yoga

Restorative Chair Yoga classes are suitable for anyone wanting to move energy through the body and calm the nervous system. These classes may be combined with our regular restorative yoga classes, incorporating chairs, or as a separate class. They are perfectly suited to those who are less mobile but want to keep active, including those who may be holding an injury or illness that restricts mobility, as well as people recovering from an injury.

We’ll access therapeutic restorative yoga postures with the assistance of a chair, so postures have been modified for both sitting and standing. Just like the regular restorative yoga classes, we aim to bring gentle movement to the body safely with mindful awareness, allowing the body’s own natural healing to take place and to soothe and calm the mind. For savasana (relaxation at the end). Students can choose to sit in meditation or lie on the floor with or without the support of a chair, and we also have props to assist further.
*Chairs can be incorporated into any restorative yoga class where needed

Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves


AcroYoga combines acrobatic concepts with a yogic consciousness. AcroYoga Perth in Canning Vale brings people together, feeling the connection of energies. Develop the physical body and, at the same time, strengthen the emotional and spiritual bodies. Stretch, balance, trust, laugh, and love. Awaken and balance your energies and share. Feel your heart open and fill with goodness as you laugh, stretch, twist, balance, fly, nurture, and embrace. We will warm up with some vinyasa yoga and also combine some wonderful Thai yoga massage techniques in the class to stretch, nourish, and nurture.

Pre and Post Natal Yoga and Parent and Baby Yoga

Prenatal Yoga: Pregnancy is such a special time.  Yoga can help support your pregnancy, labour & birth. Your journey is unique and wonderful. Preparation will help it to be a positive experience. Stretch & strengthen, relax, prepare, balance body and mind and nourish your baby. Feel relaxed and connected with your growing baby. Encouraging optimal foetal positioning (more space for baby to navigate) for easier births through movement and alignment. We’ll explore Core integration and pelvic floor work for a balanced, supple, and responsive core & pelvic floor. **Pregnant students are also welcome to attend Restorative Yoga classes. Experience the Magic of Birth with Confidence

Post Natal - Parent & Baby Yoga: Parents with newborns or older babies are welcome. Postnatal yoga is a great way to heal, strengthen, and nurture yourself without needing a babysitter. Strengthen your back, core, and pelvic floor muscles with guided, controlled vinyasa yoga. Shoulders can hold tension from feeding and carrying babies, so yoga can help to release tension here and improve posture. De-stress and relax whilst regaining more energy for you and your baby in a supportive, caring environment.

Prenatal yoga
Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves

Flexi Legs / Happy Hips Yoga

Improve health and balance energies and blood flow with a focus on the lower body (and ultimately moving energy through the rest of the body and energy systems). Learn to access your optimal flexibility of the lower body, which can have a profound effect on your balance, posture, and sense of well-being.

Move freely and easily. Prevent injury by working with a blend of both passive and active Vinyasa yoga movements: Passive movements focus on relaxing into a posture to safely improve flexibility and range of movement in the legs, hips, groins, and lower spine… and active movements to support the body and gain stability and strength in the joints and muscles.

We will work with static holds as well as gentle and/or dynamic movements, integrating breath awareness, creating freedom in the body, and calming the mind. These yoga classes can help to lengthen your hamstrings, open your hips, balance hormones, improve flexibility, balance, and posture, and can also help to increase joint mobility. By releasing the lower spine and working with the legs and hips, you can enjoy the restorative and healing effects on muscles, joints, and internal organs. Feel grounded and calm. Complete health.


Family Acroyoga

Supporting the connections between children and parents/other family members, friends, and caregivers through the playful practice of acro yoga. Come and share the fun art of acro yoga with your kids! Stretch, balance, connect, bond, restore, share, give, receive, laugh, and play. Have fun and feel great! Classes for parents and kids with different age groups, such as 4–7 years, 8–10 years, and 9–14 years.

Yoga Grooves

More Yoga Classes:

Yoga Grooves

Yoga Dynamics—Stability, Fluidity & hand balancing

Join us for a journey of core integration, energy, strength, and flexibility through vinyasa yoga, creative movement, and hand-balancing explorations. Connect with your core, breath, mind, and body together as complete wholeness, creating fluidity and ease of movements with a stable foundation for correct alignment and technique towards inversions and hand balancing. You don't need to be able to do particular low-hand balances, handstands, or headstands to enjoy these yoga classes.

The course is about intensity, alignment, technique, freeing energy, and having a go!

Combining precise core work and foundations to execute hand balancing and inversions. Some people will work on progressions moving in and out of hand balances to create a dynamic vinyasa flow through these movements, but first, it’s important to understand the foundations, so preparations towards these balances are essential. By exploring these foundations with dedication and moving with strength, stability, and fluidity, we reach an empowered quality of movement that is safe, freeing, and also fun!

Spinal Bliss Yoga

 Unleash your spine! A fun, uplifting journey to freeing our bodies  through spinal movements and conscious breath. Exploring creative freedom of movements encouraging enhanced energy flow through various spinal movements bringing spinal fluidity through back bends, twists, forward bends, side bends,  flowing with breath and mindfulness. Spinal waves of motion, and postures to help move energy through the spine and ultimately the whole body.
Healthy spine, healthy body!!  Feel alive and invigorated!

Encourage an unblocking of stagnant energy for emotional healing. Connect with your core, developing strength, balance, flexibility, and connected mindful body awareness. Learn how to safely and consciously transition in and out of backbends or work towards backbends by opening the shoulders and creating space and support through the vertebrae. Depending on the moment, those attending, and the individual's practice, this class may be dynamic or restorative, and no doubt a touch of both. Suitable for all levels.

Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes are movements flowing with the breath. Feel strength and power, allowing your energy to flow freely and efficiently through meditation with movement. With a focus on alignment and technique incorporating the breath for ease of movement and encouraging an enhanced flow of energy and blood through the whole body, we'll generate warmth, and increase stamina, strength, and flexibility, leaving us feeling alive and amazing!! This is potentially a dynamic class, with variations and modifications offered to suit you and your practice.

Therapeutic Acroyoga & Thai Massage

Therapeutic Acroyoga (Flying Therapeutics) is a combination of acroyoga (therapeutic acrobatic flying), partner yoga, and Thai massage whereby the flyer is relaxed and can enjoy the weightless, restorative, nurturing experience as well as the benefits of being inverted. It brings a deep sense of comfort and is so relaxing and nurturing, calming the body and mind. The movements combined with a supportive and caring touch can help to create space in the body, realigning the spine, opening the hips and shoulders, and encouraging a free flow of energy to help remove blockages both physical and emotional.  Build strength and trust. Find ease and openness while receiving and giving as you feel the dynamic flow of energy that is created  and shared between people.

 Join us in Canning Vale, Perth, Western Australia.

Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves

Flowing With Fluidity

Join Jo and be guided through fluid yoga movements which can be very meditative, calming, healing, and energy-enhancing. Fluid Flow yoga classes incorporate movements done with pure intention, full awareness, and mindfulness to cultivate internal energy harmonising the body, mind, and spirit. With an awareness of breath, bringing the energy into your body, into your feelings, into the moment we promote both physical and mental wellbeing tapping into the body’s internal energy. With a focus on technique and alignment of postures, we’ll slow down the movement practice (vinyasa yoga) to learn how to seamlessly flow in and out of Asana, essentially transitioning in and out of postures with fluidity, without strain, and never forcing. Coordinating natural breath patterns with movements, maintaining and improving health and well-being. Strengthen and nurture the body and mind to build inner calmness and greater resilience to stress. This class is suitable for beginners and experienced yogis.

Yoga Grooves

Kids Yoga

Learn some fun yoga moves, including partner/acro yoga and creative movement to increase flexibility, and strength and keep healthy. Learn techniques to improve mental focus with breathing techniques for meditation and relaxation. Kids can feel empowered, and improve body awareness, spinal alignment, & self-confidence. Yoga and acro yoga improves balance for the body and mind. It calms the nervous system and supports emotional stability. Improve connection with the self and others through this fun practice. Increase energy and feel good

Kids Yoga in Canning Vale for different age groups such as 4-8yrs, 9-12 and 12-14yrs. Vinyasa yoga styles and acroyoga for kids.

Get in touch for class updates: email: [email protected]

General yoga

Not sure which type of yoga class to attend? General yoga classes are suitable for anyone wanting to attend a regular yoga class and experience selections of movements from the various class styles offered (except for acroyoga, although we do often do movements that complement acroyoga such as conditioning moves to help with basing and flying, just done without a partner). Open up your energy fields, finding freedom throughout your body, benefiting overall health and well-being. We’ll incorporate movements done with pure intention, full awareness, and mindfulness. Learn precision, attention to technique, and alignment emphasising the connection between the mind and body to cultivate internal energy, harmonising the body, mind, and spirit.


Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves

Headstand workshop

This is a fun, invigorating yoga workshop, all about Headstands (and so much more). No need to be able to do a headstand to enjoy this workshop. All levels are supported, and those already with an existing practice of inversions can progress with transitions and fine-tuning of skills.

Understanding the dynamics of entering and exiting headstands safely, is crucial for a safe, sustainable inverted practice. Along with natural breath awareness, spinal alignment, and core engagement, enjoy the wonderful energy-freeing and calming benefits of being upside down.

We will explore preparatory postures, setting foundations for correct alignment, and techniques involved in a headstand practice. Students will learn and practice drills and preps, and those with an existing headstand practice can begin to move toward transitions from headstands to hand balancing, headstands to backbends, and other fun energy-moving postures and movements. Learn how to safely and consciously deepen your practice. Release energy and soothe the parasympathetic nervous system.

Jo and Pepi practicing and enjoying Acroyoga while on holiday

Yoga classes in Canning Vale - Restorative Yoga - Acroyoga - Family - Kids -Mums & Bubs yoga