Meet Jo and Pepi from Yoga Grooves
Hi! We Can't wait to practice with you!
We offer a variety of classes to suit different needs and preferences, including vinyasa, hand balancing, flexibility training, restorative, acroyoga, kids yoga, and family classes. Our classes are designed to be inclusive and welcoming to all. We strive to create a safe and supportive space for everyone to practice, where people can experience the joy, peace, and transformation that come with a dedicated yoga practice. We are committed to providing high-quality instruction, fostering a supportive community, and promoting holistic wellness.
We love sharing our love of yoga and acroyoga!
Join us for some fun energy-moving classes in Canning Vale, Perth, Western Australia.
Jo Camponovo
Pepi Camponovo
Born in Mendrisio Switzerland, Pepi grew up with a background in Gymnastics and ice hockey so was quick to pick up the art of AcroYoga and yoga. Married to Jo for over 26 years, but it wasn’t until 2010 when Jo took their kids to Bali for a 4 month trip that he really solidly began his yoga for beginners journey. During this trip, Pepi came to visit his family and began practicing yoga and flying yoga/acroyoga with Jo and the kids yoga together overlooking the rice paddies for one month. On his return back to Perth, Fremantle (family still in Bali) he felt a massive shift and has not looked back since.
Yoga Canning Vale - Restorative - Acroyoga - Family - Kids -Mums & Bubs yoga
Founder of Yoga Grooves, Mother of 2, born in Perth Western Australia. With a keen passion for movement and dance background, Jo became a fitness instructor at age 15 and was introduced to yoga soon after. She has been practicing yoga for over 30 years and teaching different movement styles for 37 years including yoga, kids yoga, dance fitness and later partner yoga and acroyoga for close to 19 years. She became more immersed into the world of yoga during her two pregnancies and births where she found Yoga helped her through these magical journeys.